Timeless Arts Classes

These 'ekphrastic' courses are as much about enjoying the art as the writing. For each of four sessions, two prompts are offered. There's nearly always a painting, and then a second prompt from craft, architecture, drawing, photography, literature or other broad artforms. We generally have a well-known piece or artist, and then one you might be discovering for the first time, but it is always world gallery or museum-class art.


We ran Timeless Arts (Season One) first as a Zoom class in 2020. We had requests to run an ekphrastic course in writing too, and so we ran Season One as a written class for the autumn/fall 2020, and Season Two followed on later in 2022 as a Zoom class again.


Find out more about the Season One written (email & online) Timeless Arts class.


Find out more about the Season Two (Zoom/video) Timeless Arts class.

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