Tanka Online - Booking Now Closed - FULLY BOOKED


Start Date:  Tuesday 30th April 2024


End Date:   Tuesday 25th June 2024


Level:           Beginners/Intermediate.


Format:       Asynchronous, writing in your own time - no fixed time video elements.


No. of Assignments and Feedback:


Group Size:  Up to 5  (No spaces left)


Course Description: This course, looking at the five-line Japanese poetry form tanka is suitable for those looking to begin or to build their tanka experience. The course includes an optional exercise process to help with your tanka structure and content, but more confident writers can work directly with the prompts for new work. If you already write longform poetry, then tanka is a good introduction to the Japanese forms, as there is room for a little more lyricism here than there is in haiku. The course feedback is sent by email, with participants reading Alan's commentary on each others' poems as well as their own in a group learning process. 


Introductory materials, including a first writing prompt, are accessed on the start date. Participants submit two poems three times over each course (total 6 poems per course) and can also add a couple of rewritten poems for final comments during that time. 


Full Cost: £185 (approximately US$233)


Early Bird Rate: £165 (approximately US$208) if booking by the end of 15th April 2024)



What our students are saying about this course...


Thank you all for the wonderful experience.  I find that it went fast, and I kind of wish we had a bit more time together...Thank you Alan and Karen, as ever , for a wonderful course.  And Alison!  I have learned a great deal, as always! 
Colette (2024)


Hello everyone. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your tanka and wanted to thank Alan and Karen for their incredibly useful help and feedback.
Diane (2024)


This has truly been a delightful experience. Thanks to all of you for your creativity and sharing of thoughts and tankas. Perhaps our paths will cross in yet another Call of the Page class. The structure of these classes is relaxing, yet extremely encouraging and a wonderful learning curve is offered.
Joan (2024)


I have enjoyed the challenges of tanka....As always, reading and learning from the amazing work of the other poets here along with Alan's feedback, adds so much. Thank you to all of you!
Margaret (2024)


Thank you all for sharing your good words...this was my first course in writing/reading the tanka poetic form.  I have learned much! "Anything discarded is still invaluable for a bonus tanka, never throw anything away!"  Alan Summers
Alan, Karen and Alison much gratitude for your work in keeping this 77 year old mind alive and still active in her search for the "perfect" words!
Pat (2024)


Thanks Alan, for your in depth comments which educate us every time!  It is a pleasure to be one of your students. Until next time, many thanks.

Leslie (2023)


I very much enjoyed this course and have felt moved and inspired by everyone's poems. It has given me courage to try my hand writing more 'everyday tanka' for myself and I must say - I love the form.

Ella (2022)


Booking Tanka Online - Booking NOW CLOSED

By booking any of the courses below you are agreeing to our Terms and Conditions. Thank you!

Tanka Online Course
165.00 GBP

For a place on the Tanka Online course starting 30th April 2024. Early Bird Rate of £165 applicable if booking by the end of 15th April 2024.

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