
Call of the Page offers learning in a number of ways.


Beginners' Shortcut

Are you looking for a beginner's class for haiku? We have various levels of course, but we advise you go straight to


• Introducing... Haiku (3 session course) starting date tbc 2025.  Click on the link for more information and go on the waiting list.

Next Stages, Intermediate & Advanced

Our online courses begin with a link to the first materials being sent to participants on the start date. Themes and advice are given to help prompt new writing. The usual format is that three submissions of work are sent in over an eight week period, with in-depth feedback being given each time, although we do now schedule some longer classes as well.


These courses are run as scheduled group courses, where everyone benefits from reading the tutor's comments to all students in the group, in a combined learning experience. 


We also sometimes run haiku classes by Zoom.


More details through the links below. For early 2025 we have Intermediate Haiku, One-Line Haiku and The Shape of Haibun course. 


You can find out more about our online haiku courses here.


You can find out more about our online tanka courses here.


You can find out more about our online senryu course here.


You can find out more about our online haibun courses here.


You can find out more about our haiga and shahai courses here.


Online Course Overview

If you are interested in booking but not certain which course is right for you, or want to know when a course is likely to re-run, feel free to email us on admin@callofthepage.org for some advice and info. 

One-to-One Tuition

Alan Summers is available for one-to-one tuition, in person, by email, post, telephone, Skype/Zoom, or a combination of these.  One-to-one sessions are tailored to suit you, either with Alan setting assignments, or simply giving feedback on your drafts of haiku, tanka or the other Japanese forms.


We operate with a choice of a fixed-time rate, or alternatively offer a flexible account system, where one-to-one students can send as little or as much work as they like at any time. Any time paid for but not used will roll over and be held for the student's next session. 


We normally aim to address students' written work within one week of their sending it to us. We can normally schedule Skype/Zoom sessions within two or three days. We'd be happy to discuss which method of feedback might suit you best. Please feel free to email us about one-to-ones at admin@callofthepage.org but in the meantime, you will find current rates, further info and the booking page.



Call of the Page (formerly With Words) normally holds or takes part in several events around the year. Our last event was a talk about "shahai" with the Royal Photographic Society on March 30th 2022. 


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