We will be running this course again in 2025. If you would like to go on the waiting list to be notified as soon as we have a date, please email courses@callofthepage.org.
Start Date: TBC 2025
End Date: TBC 2025
Format: Not live (asynchronous). Participants work individually on written assignments and tutor feedback is sent to the group as a whole, for shared learning.
Level: This course is designed to be gentle enough for complete beginners (at haiku, or at creative writing), but at the same time stimulating enough to introduce haiku as a new form to those who are already writing poetry or prose. Or perhaps you already know about haiku, but want to ease into studying it more seriously. It can also be used as a haiku "warm-up" or for "back to what we first loved about haiku" for writers who would enjoy a reset. A highly pleasurable course to run, and we trust, take part in!
No of Assignments and Feedback: 3
Group Size: up to 8
Course Description: Participants are sent introductory materials on the start date, which will include the first assignment briefing. We'll engage with haiku as a reader, using gentle and evocative prose exercises to expand our understanding of what these tiny haiku can do. As the course continues, we'll consciously encourage our own senses of observation, and learn to key in to moments and observations that inspire haiku. By the third and final assignment (or sooner if you are ready) we'll have built up to writing complete haiku poems. There'll be feedback from the tutors on the prose exercises, line exercises, and the complete poems, in a safe and nurturing atmosphere. By the end of the course you should have three poems, and an inspiring foundation on which to move forward with your writing.
Early Bird Cost: £125 (approximately US$162) if booked by the end of TBC
Cost: £135 (approximately US$175)
Below the Booking section you can read what previous students have said about this course.
By booking you agree to accept our Terms and Conditions. Thank you!
I am enjoying the class and your sage and insightful feedback.
Kerry (2024)
Thank you Karen and
Alan for a wonderful course and for all the generous and thoughtful feedback.
Cindy (2024)
I've enjoyed reading
your work, which has inspired new ideas and poems for me. I esp. loved when I read things which made me pause and appreciate what I had just read....Karen and Alan, thank you for your guidance and
wisdom and all of the fine writing exercises.
David (2024)
Thank you, Alan,
Karen, and Alison, for a thoughtful, well-curated, beautifully explained and organized introduction to haiku! Your comments, guidance, and instruction have been motivating, supportive, and inspiring.
And thank you to my classmates--your prose and poetry have been a joy to read. I hope to see you in more Call of the Page classes in the future; if not, happy trails!
Ellen (2024)
Thank you to the
teachers and my fellow students for sharing your haiku explorations and ideas! As with many Introductory classes, I have have made some strides, and I have discovered how much I have not learned yet,
or what I still need to practice.
Kevin (2024)
Alan and Karen, thank you for your thoughtful exercises and useful feedback. I definitely feel like I’ve gotten some new tools to bring to my writing (haiku and otherwise). Thanks to all of you for this infusion of creativity, and for reminding me how much a little observation can bring to my life.
Sarah (2024)
I have enjoyed the course and am looking forward to moving onto the intermediate level in April.
Sheila (2024)
I've learned so much in this course, including about minimal nouns and placement of phrases. Thank you!
Alison (2023)
Thanks to all of the
participants for this refreshing approach to haiku! The teachers' positive comments have been outstanding and sharing one another's work very interesting. I especially liked how Alan and Karen found
something teachable within each student's submission. The format of this online writing class is innovative and conducive to long term learning. I feel like I got to Mediterranean Avenue on the haiku
Monopoly board.
Joan (2023)
It has been a wonderful experience for me. The teaching has been exquisite!
Edie (2023)
I really enjoyed being in this course with all of you.
JL (2023)
Hello haijins,It's been a pleasure to share our haiku journey together. I'll be looking forward to reading your poems again in the future.
Wendy (2023)
Thank you to everyone
for being willing to share this journey. I feel that it is the start of something new for me and I know that there is still plenty to learn.
I have appreciated everyone's willingness to share their own feedback and as a result I have been able to learn far more than if I had just had my own work reviewed.
Ian (2022)
Very enjoyable course! I loved reading everyone's haiku. Alan and Karen's comments and suggestions were very useful.
Ruth (2022)